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 sure you know and compare them to in the online studies that have been done out there it's that what I like about hanging is it gives you a lot of training variety and it could be you constriction you can apply tension you can train it angles I mean there's there's all sorts of where of the glands and so but you know again you know you debt those are things that you do in steps but you know you really want to make sure that you when you get into training determine what is you want to do expect to spend the first few weeks a few months conditioning you know learning the exercise or getting a feel for the exercise you know you want to be able to develop you know such a great form that you can take what you know take that form and then you know then that's when you start adding more repetitions and more intensity whatnot because you build upon that a proper foundation yeah it's much like going to the gym you don't want to go first day at the gym and lift your own weight that you get hurt so I haven't had a trainer once they